A helper class that provides various attached properties for the TextBox control.
This property can be used to retrieve the watermark using the DisplayAttribute of bound property.
This property can be used to set the button width (PART_ClearText) of TextBox, PasswordBox, ComboBox, NumericUpDown
The clear text button behavior property. It sets a click event to the button if the value is true.
public TextBoxHelper()
ButtonContentTemplate is the template used to display the content of the ClearText button.
Gets the buttons placement variant.
Gets the clear text button visibility / feature. Can be used to enable text deletion.
Gets if the attached TextBox has text.
Gets the clear text button behavior.
Indicates if a TextBox or RichTextBox should use SpellCheck context menu
Gets the text button visibility.
Gets a value that indicates the horizontal alignment of the watermark.
Gets the text trimming behavior to employ when watermark overflows the content area.
Gets how the watermark should wrap text.
Indicates if the watermark is automatically retrieved by using the DisplayAttribute of the bound property.
Sets the buttons placement variant.
Sets the clear text button visibility / feature. Can be used to enable text deletion.
Sets the clear text button behavior.
Sets the text button visibility.
Sets a value that indicates the horizontal alignment of the watermark.
Sets the text trimming behavior to employ when watermark overflows the content area.
Sets how the watermark should wrap text.